2022 Nomi by the Numbers

As we conclude 2022, we are coming off nearly three years of a global pandemic. We’ve been hit with the worst flu season in 13 years, unprecedented RSV cases, and yet another surge of COVID-19. Top that off with physician and nurse burnout and rising healthcare costs and it can feel defeating.
2022 has been a year of figuring out new realities and ways of dealing with surging illnesses as we’ve returned to “normal life” once again but are being blasted with the effects of years of isolating and social distancing.
While things might appear grim, there’s a lot to hope for and look forward to when it comes to healthcare. At Nomi Health, we know we don’t have to settle for the status quo. The pandemic revealed the setbacks, flaws, and failures of the traditional healthcare system and forced us to rethink how everyone can get the care they need, when they need it, regardless of where they live or how much money they have. We’re working diligently to rebuild healthcare and make sure everyone has access to affordable, quality care. Here’s a look at how we’re doing so far and what 2022 looked like for Nomi Health.
Continuing COVID-19 Testing and Vaccinations
COVID-19 is still rampant in our communities, with new variants hitting the scene and causing illness. We’ve continued to offer testing and vaccinations across the country. While government funding decreased for COVID-19 support in 2022, and those without insurance were left to foot the bill, we continue to fund and pay for COVID-19 testing and vaccinations for those individuals. We will continue to fight for access to testing and vaccines for everyone.
Tests in 2022: 5.76 Million
Vaccinations in 2022: More than 138,000

Nomi Health Locations
In 2020 there was a massive need for testing sites that could handle large volumes of people and set up operations quickly. There was no time to build brick-and-mortar clinics, but doctors' offices and hospitals were overwhelmed, so we had to get creative. We became experts in pop-up clinics, mobile van clinics, and drive-through sites. We continue to use our nimbleness and hustle to help states and communities create better, more equitable access to care.
In 2022 we tested, vaccinated, and offered services at 511 sites around the country, and we opened our first brick and mortar clinic in Baltimore, Maryland.
New Services in 2022
Through our experience with COVID-19 testing and vaccinations, we know we can change the way care is paid for, bought, and delivered. We now offer similar testing and vaccine experiences for Monkeypox and Flu A/B, so you no longer need to wait in a doctor's office. We offer convenient locations and times, so you don’t have to take off work or spend way longer than needed driving to a location to get the services you need.
In 2022 we launched new home health and mental health programs, to support access to care and to address the rising mental health crisis.
This year we also launched Connect, our real-time payments platform for direct services. The platform, which allows healthcare to function at the same speed as fintech, directly connects providers, patients and buyers of care services to power provider payments in real time, while also allowing for claims adjudication and billing workflows, all in a single, paperless and frictionless system – long story short: healthcare payments can finally operate like the rest of our lives, meanwhile providers are kept whole, and the cost comes down for all. You can learn more about it here.
In 2022 we acquired several companies to jumpstart our expanded business offerings. In January we acquired Artemis Health, an analytics software company focused on employer health plan benefits.
In July we added Sano Surgery and Everyone Health to the Nomi family. This creates the first and largest nationwide direct contract network, which helps reduce spending by 30%, offers transparent pricing, and provides a better patient experience.
Philanthropic Efforts
We believe everyone deserves easy access to low-cost care and we seek out ways to push this mission forward in our local communities with like-minded partners. In 2022 we:
- Helped lead a matching fund for Encircle in Utah, raising $500,000.
- Donated 2,500 cans of formula to families facing a critical shortage of food for their infants.
- Donated over $100,000 to ensure that kids nationwide had the right supplies to go back to school.
- Sponsored $1 million in mental health support for frontline healthcare workers in six states.
- Our teams have worked hand in hand with DCF to aid over 1,500 storm victims and their families at 5 different support centers in Florida.
- Contributed $5M to address the crisis of skyrocketing insulin costs for Americans.
- And more.
2022 was a monumental year for our teams. We are grateful for the opportunity to continue to rebuild the healthcare system and push for better access to quality care that everyone can afford.